Talent development

Helping you to move on quickly and confidently

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Why Connor?

We partner with you. With Connor, you’ll have a peer-level consultant working shoulder to shoulder with you for as long as it takes you to find your next opportunity – whatever that may be. Even after you secure your next opportunity, we stay with you for a further 90 days to help you settle in and achieve success.

We value individuality and recognise that each person is different. That’s why every single person receives tailored, bespoke support from Connor.

We are flexible, building a service around your unique needs with a focus on one-to-one support. We match our style to your preferred learning methods, working from a location and at a time that suits you.

Outplacement blended with coaching and development. We don’t just provide a CV-writing workshop and then leave; we give support that empowers you to take the next step in your career. Whether that’s coaching to build your confidence, develop your communication style, or something else entirely, we work to help you to reach your aspirations.

We care about providing personal, face to face support and are passionate about creating the perfect partnership with you. We take care to match you to a peer-level coach who fits you both personally and professionally.

We take a proactive approach to your search, opening the door to opportunities built around what you can offer. Through our network and wealth of resources, we take you a step ahead of the competition and help you access ‘hidden’ opportunities you might not find elsewhere.

Billy Park
Client stories

Billy Park

"It's the best thing I've ever done in my life. I couldn't have done this without Connor."
Bertil Videt
Client stories

Bertil Videt

"I have been impressed with the professionalism of how I have been supported throughout the process, including settling into my new leadership position."
Pascal Deleu
Client stories

Pascal Deleu

"Connor were very focused on the individuals needs of each person and within 6-8 months nearly all of the staff have been able to obtain new roles within the salary ranges they were expecting."
Matt Stevens
Client stories

Matt Stevens

"I would fully recommend this process to anyone who is going through a career transition."
Derek Cribb
Client stories

Derek Cribb

"I knew that finding a new role at a senior level would take a considerable amount of time; Connor's proposition, and their unlimited support, really appealed to me."
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